by matrout76 » Mon May 12, 2014 9:51 am
I split my hive on Sunday and everything went well!
It took me a while to find the queen. I went thru all the frames and didn't see her, then went back thru the frames with eggs and found her. She was pretty small (about the same size as some of the drones) but i watched her and the bees around her for a minute or so and am pretty confident it was her.
My split ended up with 4 frames of open brood and two frames of pollen and nectar, two drawn frames, and 2 frames of foundation. I also put a feeder inside of a deep box on top of an inner cover and under the telescoping cover. The entrance is reduced to 3/4" x 3/8" and i plugged it with grass. It took them at least an hour to get the grass pulled out.
My original hive has a 6 frames of capped brood, one frame with eggs and all stages of brood (for them to start a queen) and a bunch of frames that are 7 frames that are drawn and partially filled with nectar and pollen, and 5 frames of foundation. On top of this i have placed 2 honey supers. the lower super has been on for a week and they have started putting nectar in it. The upper super is foundation.
My split is only about 3' away from the old hive, but rotated 180 degrees so the entrance is on the West (original hive has an entrance on the East). I'm going to leave them like this for a week and then may start slowing rotating the hive so they are both on the same side.
It seemed that yesterday afternoon the old hive was aggressive and the split was not. I walk up to the hives from the West and bees coming and going from the split didn't mind me. when i walked to the side of the original hive, i started getting buzzed and bumped by the bees...
In all, it seemed to go OK. I'm planning to inspect the split on Wednesday evening and will just leave the original hive alone until next weekend. Hopefully they will have some queens started by then.
Thanks for the info and help!!!