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Winter feeding of sugar syrup

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:24 am
by matrout76
The current forecast :roll: is for temperatures to be in the low 50's and sunny...

I left my frame feeders in place last fall and am now wondering if I should fill those with warm syrup tomorrow since it will be relatively warm outside.

I have 3 hives with candy boards. They have consumed between 1/4 and 1/3 of the sugar in the candy boards.

Any comments or opinions will be appreciated.


Re: Winter feeding of sugar syrup

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:15 pm
by x-sfmed
Nobody chimed in so I will offer my 2 cents. I never give the bees liquid feed during the winter. If you have a candy board then you're set. If you dont have a candy board then things like fondant, winter feed (carbs) patties, and even granulated sugar can be used as emergency feed sources. The reason I dont feed liquid in late fall or the winter is that I dont want extra moisture in the hive.

In the future, I would remove the frame feeder before winterizing the hive since it is taking the space of a frame that could hold capped honey. Hope this helps.